We simplify interactions between organizations and people by democratizing data

sideos is building a safe and reliable ecosystem that decentralizes data and allows organizations and users to control what information they wish to receive and share.

The company

sideos was founded in 2021 with the mission to give people the opportunity to own their data and achieve more around the world by providing a safe, reliable, and simple data ecosystem.

Our office is located in Berlin but we are a remote-first company and give our team the opportunity to work from everywhere in the world.

The team

MarcusCEO & Co-Founder
DoraFrontend Engineer
MartinaBackend Engineer
VladoAdvisor & Co-Founder
LunaraUI/UX Designer
EmilioCTO & Co-Founder
For us, sideos isn’t just a company but a universe. A universe formed by products that interact with each other, but most of all by people that ideate, build, and power them.
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The values

🎤 Everyone has a voice

At sideos we’re a TEAM! Every idea and opinion is valued and we want to be open and collaborative regardless of your role within the organization. We want to hear all your ideas as our people are what shape our business and make it better.

🚪 Open Door

At sideos we believe in being honest and transparent with each other. Our environment is safe for anyone who comes in and we are here to support you, no matter what. You should always feel free to be yourself and we want you to feel included and part of the team.

🎮 Play Hard

Innovation and efficiency are critical to our everyday work life - but still, we are people and not machines.

We are always looking for new ways to brighten up our colleagues' workday, which reflects on our achievements as a company.

🔮 Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow

We all make mistakes. Once you know better, do better. The key is to learn from them, not to get stuck or worried about the mistake you made. Move forward and have continuous improvement.

🗝 Simplicity is Key

Have you ever felt left out when your peers were talking about technology? That’s where we come into action. Our goal and our approach to work (and life) are to take hard concepts and make them easy to understand for everyone.